Meet Trina

Trina Stute with blonde hair smiling while wearing a black jacket and red shirt

Trina makes things happen. She has her entire life. She's driven a tractor, operated a grain elevator, coached volleyball and continually excels at the job of all jobs, motherhood.

In fact it's that sense of motherhood that fuels her purpose when working at Hero. Trina started working with Ben Blecha on orthotics and prosthetics for humans. When he started to explore the idea of helping animals as well, Trina was on board.

Trina firmly believes that dogs are an integral part of the family. She considers her job of making and fabricating Hero Dog Braces a way to keep the family together.

That's what moms do. They take care of their family. Trina's own son had a meniscus tear in his knee earlier this year, and she was able to witness first-hand how a brace helped him get through his injury. She knows what it is like to have a family member injured and the importance of having a quality tool to help get them back on their feet.

And when it comes to Hero Braces, Trina is all about the quality. Only the best will do for each brace that she manufactures. She refers to herself as "picky", but we like to think of it as particular. She never skimps or takes the easy route during the manufacturing process and becomes emotionally involved with each device she makes, constantly striving for perfection on the first fitting.

Because after all, when it comes to quality and getting your dog back on his feet, Mother knows best.

Hero Braces, Veterinary Equipment, Benkelman, NE